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Help Hillary Clinton get a makeover for her presidential campaign ...

Dress Up Barack
... or use your fashion skills to help Barack Obama win votes!

Build a better Blair Recommended
From the same people as the one below.

Build a better Bush Recommended
... or just get a random image!

Bush Dress Up Recommended
Dress Dubya in some of his usual and unusual outfits.

Primary 2004 Clone'O'Matic

Mix the facial features of current front runners to create the perfect Democratic candidate.

Dress the President
George W. badly needs some style.

Dress Tony - a man for all seasons
Dress Tony Blair to suit the occasion.

Dress Up Bill
A stick figure with Bill Clinton's head.

Dress Up Dubya Recommended
Create your own Dubya and have him talk...

Make Al Gore Exciting! Java Applet
And solve the world power crisis while you're at it.

Dole Doll
No more boring suits...

Best Dressed Head of State
Put fashion in politics and vice versa.

Recommended = recommended websites.
Internet Explorer = only works in Internet Explorer.
Requires registration = requires registration.

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link go to www.dressupgames.com i relly like it!!