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I pity the fool who doesn't like this game!

iAttire Costumes for iPods
Surely your iPod could use a little makeover? Click the picture of the mannequin under "Just for fun".

Dress the Green Gene
With the green stick figure and four pieces of clothing, this game provides hours of fun!

Virtual Create-A-Ducky
Create your custom made verison of the classic yellow rubber duck!

Dress Up Tarako
Dress Tarako, the new Japanese craze. Weird!

Tinky Winky Virtual Paper Doll Java Applet
Dress Tinky Winky for his play date. Don't forget the infamous purse!

Ghostgirl.com Beyond Style
An odd game featuring a dead girl.

Beast Blender Recommended
Taxidermy for the timid.

Emo Dress-Up Doll
Emo, the pet rock with the surly attitude!

Build Your Own Garbage Pail Kid Recommended Requires registration
Be as gross as you can be! You can name and save your kid for later.

Square Up Your Squirrel
... or he doesn't get a job.

Warm Your Pussy

Dress Your Gay Dog
Be quick or your dog can't go to the party :(

Dress Tiny
Click on the box to open it and play with the teeny, tiny doll. Requires a good eyesight and topnotch hand-eye co-ordination.

Dress Barbie's Dad Internet Explorer
At last, you get the opportunity to dress Barbie's Dad in Barbie's dresses.

Clothe the Swimsuit Model
The poor girl is freezing, won't you help her out?

Pimple Head Ick Dress Doll
.. if you're tired of cute stuff.

Recommended = recommended websites.
Internet Explorer = only works in Internet Explorer.
Requires registration = requires registration.

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link go to www.dressupgames.com i relly like it!!